Because an ordinary Saturday becomes extraordinary when you see it in the right light.

It’s the moment you breathe in and think, “This is what makes motherhood worth it.”
Your kids and your husband, in a fit of full-on belly laughs.
Your son’s chubby little fingers, curled around yours.
The look on your face as you (yet again) breathe in your baby’s scent.
Your daughter’s ear-to-ear, open-mouth grin, and wind-whipped, sandy hair—her personal testament to the joy of summer and the carefree days of childhood.
These are the memories you want on your wall—the images you’ll treasure when your daughter is bounding off on her first date, or to serve as a touchstone to those long-ago days when your son had a crazy lisp while his new tooth grew in.
It’s the beauty in the little things that make the art in your life.

The stories you love more than anything are the ones you’re most connected to.
I’m Emily Jackson—professional photographer, owner, and head honcho of Cat and the Fiddle Photography in Stevensville, Maryland.
Since 2007, I’ve photographed over 400 families in the Kent Island communities and Washington D.C. regions.
My four children are my driving inspiration in life, and I never appreciate them more than when they’re all fast asleep in their beds (or their sibling’s bed, as it may be).
I believe that humor can be found in any situation, and that nothing is more beautiful in life than deep and meaningful human connection—so I studied how to bring that to life in photographs.
I have an extensive background in natural posing techniques and countless hours of continuing education and real-life experience. You don’t need to worry about posing or anything else; just show up and be yourselves. I’ll handle the rest.

I’m Emily Jackson—professional photographer, owner, and head honcho of Cat and the Fiddle Photography in Stevensville, Maryland.
Since 2007, I’ve photographed over 400 families in the Kent Island communities and Washington D.C. regions.
My four children are my driving inspiration in life, and I never appreciate them more than when they’re all fast asleep in their beds (or their sibling’s bed, as it may be).
I believe that humor can be found in any situation, and that nothing is more beautiful in life than deep and meaningful human connection—so I studied how to bring that to life in photographs.
I have an extensive background in natural posing techniques and countless hours of continuing education and real-life experience. You don’t need to worry about posing or anything else; just show up and be yourselves. I’ll handle the rest.

Because a year (or 10) from now, you’ll want to feel like you’re in that moment again.

Is that little voice inside your head keeping you from giving yourselves the gift of family portraits?
The one that whispers:
“I hate having my photos taken.”
“This is too expensive.”
“I need to lose 10 pounds first.”
“My family doesn’t look like that.”
“I don’t look like that.”
“My kids would never behave like that, sit that long, or engage that way.”
“My husband would never [insert pretty much anything here].”

That voice is robbing you of the memories you share with your children.
It keeps you from seeing who you are when you’re together.
It prevents you from embracing all the beautiful things in your here + now.
It steals the joy from your children of seeing themselves in photos on your wall that remind them of who they are and how important they are to your unique family story.

I promise you that years from now, you’ll be grateful to have authentic, honest portraits that tell your family’s story.
And so will your children.
find out more about creating portraits of your family: