<3 | Silver Spring Family Photographer

I have an incredible relationship with some of my clients - who, at this point, aren't even clients anymore, they are just plain friends. I have had the incredible opportunity to watch their children grow up, and to capture for them slices of time and place and memories that will last a lifetime. 

This family is one of those. 

If you look closely in some of these, you will see photos of little brother that I took shortly after he was born. And now look at him <3 I have had the immense honor of being there for and with these guys through so many years, and I value that more than I can put into words.

Plus, this time big sis told me a joke that I STILL tell. She's hilarious :)

(Q: If a seagull flies over the sea, what flies over the bay?  A: A bagel! HAHAHA!)